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Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan Autumn Fascinating Scenery

Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan has autumn fascinating scenery. On September 1, in Wulingyuan district, a red sun with the clouds rising of dazzle, bright sunlight shining under the sky exceptionally bright, and a lot of tourists and citizens pick up the phone to record the first round of the color of beauty.

September is also good season for travel. Local tourism department prompt, missing the summer vacation travel, visitors can choose to visit Zhangjiajie in September. In addition to enjoy the beauty of the world natural heritage, world geological park, the travel expenses will be preferential a lot.

High-profile first Hunan international traveling salesman conference and China Hunan international tourism festival will be held on September 12, in Zhangjiajie Baofeng lake. There will be a number of Olympic champions, many folk customs show take turns to perform. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan visitors during this time, carelessly will encounter the Olympic champion, encounter cultural feast.

Translated by Sophia

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