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Zhangjiajie Preliminary Eve is to be held in Tujia Folk Custom Park

On February 2nd, 2013.Zhangjiajie Preliminary Eve is going to be launched at Tujia Folk Custom Park,To retrospect and inherit culture of Tujia folk and custom. This activity is held by the joint effort of the program “the Journey of Yong’an” of Zhangjiajie Broadcast and TV Station, and Tujia Folk Custom Park. It will last for 34 days during which 3 parts go on as follows: the opening ceremony from 14:00 PM. to 20:00 PM. on 2nd February 2013, the custom of Tujia New Year and the closing and award ceremony on March 5th. What’s more, a magnificent atmosphere will be created by thousands of people’s participation.

On the very day of opening ceremony, mysterious and extraordinary scene of Tujia ancestors having their New Year over 500 years ago will be reproduced. Besides, more attracting activities have prepared for you. Festive Lantern and Yangxi (a local play of Tujia characteristic), original and pure Mao Gu Si (a primitive dance danced by a group of immemorial hairy hunters all over the body) and Copper-Bell Dance, mysterious and majestic worshiping and blessing of thousands of people, rich and precious Tujia special purchases for the Spring Festival, Tujia New Year’s Eve Dinner and more fantastic activities are going to be held to give a comprehensive presentation of Tujia folk and custom.

By Patricia