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Zhangjiajie listed one of the six most beautiful landscape in Hunan

On 21th, April, the campaign “Splendid Hunan on the theme of the natural beauty : the most beautiful scenic spot in Hunan” has unveiled its results. Zhangjiajie, Yueyang Tower, Fenghuang, Love Dusk Pavilion on Yuelu Mountain, Orange Island and Heng Mountain in Hunan outstand themselves and rank the top six among the seventy candidates in Hunan.And a large amount of tourists from both inside and outside the province have witnessed this moment in Love Dusk Pavilion on Yuelu Mountain.

Since its launch on 3rd, April, the campaign has attracted great popularity from all walks of life. Hundreds of thousands of citizens, readers, netizens have participated in it through Internet, cell phone,and text message or on the scene and the poll totals 150,000.

By Brenda

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