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Zhangjiajie glass bridge guidance advice during peak season

There are two points:

1.The first is located in Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, It is the real Zhangjiajie glass bridge.It is building between Lishuya and Wuwangpo of Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon.It is a landscape bridge, but also the scenic pedestrian traffic, tours, bungee jumping, Liusuo, T station, and other functions.Zhangjiajie glass bridge main span of 430 meters, 375 meters long bridge, 6 meters wide, height of about 300 meters. Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon entrance fee is CNY118,Glass bridge fee is not included in Zhangjiajie grand canyon’s total ticket, if you choose walking on glass bridge, you will pay an additional fee CNY138.

2.The second is located in Zhangjiajie Tianmen mountain, Its precise definition is Glass plank.It is located in Tianmen Peak west line, 60 meters long, 1.6 meters wide, the highest elevation of about 1,430 meters.It is part of the attraction of Zhangjiajie Tianmen mountain guigu plank, It is also a high-altitude glass gazebo of Tianmen Mountain.The entrence is included in Tianmen Mountain total ticket, if you choose walking on glass plank, but you must pay a shoe’s CNY5.

Please note:

During peak season(march-november),Especially holidays,it is necessary to have a reservation for 2 days in advance and Booking the specific time.Because there are restrictions on the number of tourists.Also we can help you booking for Glass bridge and Tianmen Mountain glass plank,English-speaking guide service and rental car & bus service,Tailor-made for avatar tour,we will do all to make you an easy trip in Zhangjiajie.

Visitors Precautions:

1.Inclement weather, Glass bridge may have to close. 2.In addition to wallet and moblie phone, anything should not be put on glass bridge. 3.Have heart disease, High blood pressure, Fear of heights, Drunkenness or Body unfit Tourists, please do not on the bridge. 4.Tourists are not allowed to wear high heels on glass bridge. 5.Not allowed to chase, slapstick, throwing debris on glass bridge.Not be leaning on the bridge railing, to prevent accidents.

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