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Zhangjiajie Charming Xiangxi Performance will be restored on Spring Festival

Large national cultural show, Charming Xiangxi of  Zhangjiajie will have a performance on Spring Festival (February 10th 2013,) night.

Charming Xiangxi of Zhangjiajie is the main cultural entertainment program for WuLingYuan, winning the great love from the tourists of home and abroad. In the year of 2011 and 2012, two consecutive years, it receives audiences 1 million person-time, the reception scale reaches the front row in the national tourism perform. Especially the Chasing Love program of Charming Xiangxi of Zhangjiajie showed on the 2012 CCTV dragon Spring Festival, which let wulingyuan national culture win the attention of the world and quickly cause the majority of tourists in the “chasing love of zhangjiajie” boom.

Translated by Sophia