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Three Ancient Mysteries in Western Hunan

Vampire Western,Gu Du (disease due to noxious agents produced by various parasites)and Luo Dong Girls(girls fall in love with deities and die) are the three famous and unbelievable mysteries in Western Hunan,which have never been uncovered.

To be a vampire controller in Western Hunan should meet the following standards——over 16 years old and 170cm in height , be homely and brave.Also, they are particular about dress. No matter the weather is ,they should wear the straw sandals ,long azury gown with a black belt and a azury cloth cap. A packet of charm is indispensable.

Gu Du usually is utilized by women,who catch a centipede or scorpion from the remote mountains then feed it with her own menses blood and spell on it everyday.Once the parasite grows up, she will make it into powder and hide in her nails.When she flips the powder secretly in the tea ,the Gu Du is made.Women make Gu Du does not to kill someone but to control one’s mind ,which is even more horrible.

Luo Dong Girls are unmarried and softhearted beauties with bright eyes .They go into a hole for several days without any food but still alive,then back home and eat nothing for anther couple days before they death.Members in her tribe believe she falls in love with the deity in that hole and goes for her marriage in another world.Therefore,once a girl becomes the Luo Dong Girl ,people prepare a wedding after her death instead of a funeral.

Time goes by ,however Western Hunan ‘s three mysteries still keep secret.

Sourced and Translated by Aileen