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The Price of Manned Tool will be adjusted up in Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan

From January 5th, 2013, the price of manned tool price will have an adjustment.

In Zhangjiajie Park Huangshi village, ropeway ordinary one-way fares will have an adjustment for 65 yuan/pax, return price will change from 96 yuan/pax to 118 yuan/pax. Single, double fees will increase 11 yuan resources funds and 3 yuan transformation funds.

Wulingyuan Tianzi mountain cableway will change from 52 yuan/pax, to 67 yuan/pax, including 11 yuan government resources fees, and 6 yuan transformation funds.

The dragon Jacob’s ladder(Zhangjiajie Bailong Elevator) with an adjustment for current 56 yuan/pax to 72 yuan/pax, including increasing 11 yuan government resources fees and 5 yuan transformation funds.

Wulingyuan Ten miles gallery changes current 30 yuan/pax to 38 yuan/pax, double fees from 40 yuan/pax to 52 yuan/pax.

Translated by Sophia