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Chinese Zodiac

Dog is the 11th animal sign in Chinese Zodiac & 2018 is the year of Dog. Those who were born in 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 & 2030 are also dogs
Rat is the first animal sign in 12-year-circle. People born in the year of rat tend to be diligent & positive & has good match with dragon & ox
Ox is the 2nd animal sign in Chinese zodiac. People born in the year of ox are believed to be hard working & reliable & compatible with rat, snake
Tiger is the third animal sign in 12-year-circle. People born in the year of tiger tend to be ambitious & confident & has good match with horse & dog
Rabbit is the 4th animal sign in Chinese zodiac. People born in the year of rabbit are believed to be gentle and considerate. & compatible with sheep, dog, pig
Dragon is the 5th animal sign in 12-year-circle. People born in the year of rat tend to be dedicated and decisive & has good match with rat & monkey
Horse is the 7th of the twelve zodiac animals. People born in the year of horse tend to be outgoing & enthusiastic & has good match with horse & sheep & dog
Sheep is the 8th animal sign in Chinese zodiac. People born in the year of sheep tend to be gentle & considerate & best matches with rabbit, horse, pig
Monkey is the 9th animal sign in Chinese zodiac. People born in the year of monkey tend to be lively & active & best matches with rat, snake & dragon
Rooster is the 10th animal sign in Chinese zodiac. People born in the year of rooster tend to have persistence and perseverance.& best matches with ox, snake, dragon
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