The Palace Museum (the Forbidden City) is going to introduce its online ticket booking trial system on Sept 20th. The online booking system is to encourage visitors to save time by buying tickets at home and to control the passenger flow within the museum’s capacity.
Tourists can book the ticket when the system gets started. Tickets are allowed to be booked online five days in advance. Tourists should book online tickets with valid ID card numbers and each ID can book at most five tickets.
A maximum of 80,000 tickets will be available each day during the upcoming golden week (seven-day National Day holiday form Oct 1st to 10th ), with half of the tickets available online and the other half sold on site, according to the Museum Administration.
During last year’s National Day holiday, the Palace Museum averaged 90,000 visitors per day, far exceeding its 60,000 visitor limit. Measures to limit visitors have been urged in order to protect cultural relics and historic buildings, according to the museum.