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Overseas Chinese Youth End Their Hunan Tour

300 overseas Chinese youth from Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius and Australia gave a report-back performance on December 29, ending their "Root-seeking Tour" in Hunan.

Bali and Bandung delegates from Indonesia feasted participants' eyes on the enthusiastic dance- "Let's dance" performed with exotic flavor in gentle or torrid rhythm. The bravura Chinese boxing, nunchuks and dragon and lion dances pushed the performance to a climax. In addition, Cerdas Bangsa College of Indonesia and root-seekers from other countries jointly put on the moving "Fairy tale". Their brilliant performance won rapturous applause from the audience.

Afterwards, representative leaders and members of the winter camp gave a speech one after another. They stated that they had gained a further understanding of Chinese culture and determined to share the wonderful root-seeking experience in China with their relatives and friends after returning home. They hoped to come to Hunan again and touch the extensive and profound Chinese culture.

Lion dancing performance

Report-back performance

Group photo

Translator: Zhang Minsi

Source: Hunan Official Web Portal