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Mount Longhu is located 20 km away from Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province, China. Long means “Dragon” and Hu means “Tiger” in Chinese, so it is also called Dragon and Tiger Mountain. It is the No. 8 World Natural Heritage in China, the world geological park, national natural and cultural heritage site, National AAAAA scenic spot , national forest park and the national key cultural relics protection unit.

The Whole scenic covers an area of 220 square kilometers. Longhu Mountain is a typical Danxia landform. It is also the birthplace of Taoism in China. In 2007, it joined the World Geoparks Network. On August 1, 2010, at the 34th World Heritage Conference in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, "China Danxia" (Longhu Mountain) was listed in the "World Heritage List." On April 27, 2012, the National Tourism Administration officially awarded Longhu Mountain the "national 5A-class tourist attractions" title.

Taoist Culture in Mount Longhu

One of the earliest Taoist temples in Longhu Mountain is the Zhenxian Temple built during the period of Hui Chang in Tang Dynasty. The Zhang Tianshi Temple is the one with exact ancient inscriptions written records, which was built in 950 during Tang Dynasty.

  In Song Dynasty, the Taoism in the Longhu Mountain became thrive gradually. The most famous temples are Shangqing Palace, Zhengyi Temple and so on. 

  Zhangtianshi of  Taoist in Yuan Dynasty was the leader of Zhengyi sect, leading book of prophecy of the three main mountain (Longhu Mountain, Maoshan Mountain, Gezao Mountain ) . After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Taoism in Longhu Mountain was gradually fading.

  When the Taoism was flourishing, there were built ten Taoist Palaces, 81 Taoist temples, 50 Taoist courtyards and ten nunneries. The prosperity was evident. However, since the Han to now, most temples were destroyed or  ruined, only leave the Tianshi Mansion.

  Tianshi Mansion’s full name is "Si Han Tianshi Mansion". It is located in the middle of Qingzhen, and was the living mansion for Zhang Tianshi of each generation. The architectures were mainly renovated in Qing Dynasty and reconstructed in Modern Times. The nearest overhaul was in 1990. of existing buildings as well as modern reconstruction of the Qing Dynasty rebuilt, the last major overhaul was in 1990.

Scenic Spots

Longhu Mountain is featured by typical Danxia Landform in China. There are 24 cliffs, 99 peaks, 108 natural and cultural scenic spots, and over 20 legendary wells and pools in the scenic area. Luxi River flows from south to north like a jade ribbon, linking Shangqing Palace, Tianshi Mansion, Longhu Mountain, Fairy Water Cliff and other spots. Surrounded by scenic hills and springs, the ten major beauties in the core area indeed seem more refreshing and exciting.

  There main scenic areas here are Shangqi Palace Scenic Area, Tianshi Mansion Scenic Area, Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, Heavenly Rock and Water Rock Scenic Area, Rock Tomb Group Scenic Area, Elephant Trunk and Paiya Rock Scenic Area, and Du Peak and Mazu Rock Scenic area.

Best Time to Visit Longhu Mountain

Longhu Mountain belongs to a subtropical humid monsoon climate. The climate here is mild and moist with abundant rainfall and sunshine. The winter here is not very cold, but very cool in summer. The annual average temperature is 16.2 ° C.

  Currently Longhu Mountain’s tour routes is mainly on raft rafting (new scenic tour lines - including the new overland route and waterway have been designed, and are about to start renovation). The best time for a lazy river tour is from March to November. Overland route is suitable throughout the year.