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Mascots of Successive Olympic Games

London,the 30th Olympic games is in play .Wenlock,the mascot of this Olympics is orginated as an Irish name, which means- from the holy monastery. How much do you know about mascots of successive Olympics.Now ,let’s have a look.

The 20 th Olympic Games in Munich, Germany In 1972.The first Olympic mascot :a dog called Waldi

The 21st of the Olympic Games in Montreal ,Canada in1976. “Amik” the beaver

The 22ndth Olympic Games in Moscow ,former Soviet union. bear Misha

The 23 th Olympic Games in Los Angeles,USA in 1984.“Sam “eagle

The 24 th Olympic Games in Seoul,South Korea in 1988.Tiger Hodori

The 25 th Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain in 1992.“Cobi” dog

The 26 th Olympic Games in Atlanta ,USA in 1996.“Izzy “computer modeling

The 27 th Olympic Games in Sydney Australia in 2000. “Syd” ,” Millie” , “Oily”

The 28 th Olympic Games in Athens,Greece in 2004.”Athena”,” Phevos”

The 29 th Olympic Games in Beijing China in 2008.Fuwa (Beibei Jingjing Huanhuan Yingying Nini)

The 30 th Olympic Games in London England in 2012.”Wenlock”

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