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Located at Jingdezhen City in Jiangxi Province, Jingdezhen Ceramics Museum covers an area of 4,600 square meters, was open to public since 1984. It is a specialized museum that shows people the development of Chinese ceramic.   From early 1
st century, this museum collects more than 2,500 precious ceramics masterpieces, and exhibits them in 5 exhibition halls in chronological/category orders.   The first hall demonstrates the collections of 3 Dynasties (around A.D. 907 to A.D. 1368). It has Celadon and White Porcelain of the Five Dynasty, Greenish White Porcelain of the Song Dynasty, Blue and White porcelain and Underglaze Red Porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, etc.   The second hall focuses on products from official kiln of Ming Dynasty. The adornment style and skill used in this period mainly are blue-flowered, multi-color glazing and colored glazing, etc.   The third hall exhibits the collections of Qing Dynasty, when the porcelain manufacturing has reached its top. The ceramics producing craft incorporated the strong points of different schools, the technology of kiln firing and smelting raised to a new level, the local unique blue-flowered adornment skill matured with each passing day…During the time, Jingdezhen porcelain manufacture has established solid foundation for its world-wild development in the future.     The fourth and fifth halls exhibit the productions of modern times.   12 antique-style buildings constitute this specialized museum, except the exhibition halls, other buildings - stores, ancestral temples and dwellings, are physical assets that try to recall the living-hood of the past.