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Jimei University was invested to founded in 1925, Mr. Tan Kah Kee founded a total of 12 schools in succession, ranging from the girls' primary school, kindergarten teachers' school, girls' normal school, normal school, middle school to the senior training schools, such as aquatic products, navigation, agriculture, forest, commerce and trade school, forming the large-scale Jimei University. Over the past several dozens years, the university has trained numerous talents.

Jimei University is a beautiful land that nurtures talents. Under the guidance of Mr. Tan Kah Kee, the buildings in the village combined Chinese style with the Western style, and reflect the typical architectural style of the land of overseas Chinese in South Fujian Province. Every building in the village, no matter whether they are tall and magnificent school buildings, or delicate pavilions, kiosks and corridors, has glazed-tile roofs, dragon-style ridges, upturned eaves, carved beams and painted columns. Observing them closely, one will find that they are unique in workmanship. It is commonly known as the style of Tan Kah Kee. The Daonan Building of Jimei Middle School, the Nanxun Building of Jimei Overseas Chinese School, and the teaching building of the Navigation College are especially magnificent and lofty, each displaying its own features and making Jimei University a famous tourist attraction of Xiamen.

The Dragon Boat Pond in the Jimei University was constructed by Mr. Tan in 1950 by building a dyke and enclosing tideland. At the Dragon Boat Festival every year, the dragon boat race is held here when the cheers of the jubilant crowds mingled with crescendos of music, turning the tranquil university into a happy sea.