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Famous Painter QiaoJiaQiang′s Love for Zhangjiajie

Sentient beings, A old man was born in JinNan,grew in qinchuan, worked and lived in xiaoxiang and jinghua,who was 70 years ago. The old man had a strong heartstring to the zhangjiajie, 30 years, he paid deep attachment to the zhangjiajie. Till death, his soul would return to this place. He was Qiaojiaqiang.

In the history of China, there was no such a good artist that fall love for a piece of landscape, exhausted their life to depict mountains and rivers of zhangjiajie, leaving with plenties of loyal and great work. He poured heart to create “zhangjiajie landscape”. This is the only five meters high-quality goods masterpiece of his life created. His heart was paid to it, so he brought this nonsuch and swan song and came to zhangjiajie. He is for zhangjiajie with the true sentiment and enduring the hardships. He hoped to die for zhangjiajie, a fair death honors. He was Qiaojiaqiang.

He, such as his pen name QiaoShan, from now on, melting in zhangjiajie′ s mountains. The world would remember zhangjiajie and QiaoShan, the legend of QiaoShan and zhangjiajie.

Translated by Sophia

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