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Direct Flight between Tianjin and Hailar Resumes in Summer Vacation

Air China resumes direct flights between Tianjin and Hailar in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region during the summer vacation from July to the end of August.

The flight number is CA1449/50. Flight takes off from Tianjin at 07:40, and arrives in Hailar at 10:10; flight takes off from Hailar at 11:10, and arrives in Tianjin at 13:40.

Hailar is a city where the government of Hulun Buir sits. The daily flights between the two cities offer convenience to visitors who want to appreciate the magnificent Hulun Buir Grassland from China’s northern metropolis. With the grassland of over 100 thousand square kilometers, Hailar embraces the boundless green in summer, beautiful golden in autumn, and pure white in winter, attracting visitors from home and abroad.