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China to promote E-ticket for high-speed trains

On July 9th, the China Railway announced that China will promote E-ticket in some of the high-speed lines by the end of this year. In some of the stations, passengers can check-in directly by scanning their smart phones or the ID cards. It will be fully implemented across the country next year.

People now can buy high-speed trains tickets online, but they still have to use a paper ticket to check-in. For passengers, the E-ticket policy will be a new experience. With the implement of the E-tickets, travelers can also change the tickets by themselves through the Internet. It can avoid the embarrassment of losing the papers tickets as well.

For the railway department, the E-ticket can help reduce the operation cost and optimize the utilization of the transportation resource. In addition, it is estimated that the E-ticket will help save about 3 billion USD annually. The “paperless ticket move” is expected to see a great innovation in China’s railway system. China Railway will provide more premium and convenient service for passengers around the world.