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Qingdao Attractions

Mt Laoshan on seaside of East China Sea, about 40km from Qingdao downtown is regarded as the Cradle of Taoism with 9 palaces & 8 temples on the peak
St. Michael Cathedral Church was constructed in 1932 by Divine Word Missionaries & competed in 1934. Now it becomes the city symbol of Qingdao
Qingdao is the most beautiful coastal city in China with fine beaches and seas. The No.1 Bathing Beach is such a place you should not miss during your visit
Qingdao Museum, one of China first batch of Class-I museums and it is an important window on the Chinese culture and Qingdao history and culture and an important bridge connecting Chinese and foreign cultures.
If you ask what the Qindao highlight is, it can firmly to say the Little Qingdao Isle, as it is a symbol of Qingdao.
The Christian Church is the landmark of Qingdao City, which was built by German missionaries during the early years of the 20th century
With the highly recommended by the tourists, Lu Xun Park is an attractive place for visitors. It is a park as well as a memorial for the famous writer - Lu Xun.
Qingdao Navy Museum is the only military museum where you can see collections in the development of Chinese Navy field
Qingdao Beer Museum or World of Tsing Tao is built by Tsingtao Beer Brewery, which is China’s first also the only beer theme museum
Qingdao Zhanqiao is a famous pier that viewed as the official symbol of Qingdao City. It was first built in 1891 and get enlarged frequently
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