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Jiangxi Attractions

Poyang Lake around Nanchang in Jiangxi Province is the largest freshwater lake in China covering an area of 1.04 million km squares
Located in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China, the Site-Memorial of the August 1 Nanchang Uprising is a memorial hall of Nanchang Uprising and one of the Patriotism Educational Demonstration Bases of China
Tengwang Pavilion or Pavilion of Teng together with Yellow Crane Tower, Yueyang Tower & Guanque Tower are the Four Great Towers in China
Meiling Mountain Scenic Spot is located in west suburb of Nanchang in Jiangxi & famous for its sheer peaks, waterfalls & clear lakes
Shengjin Tower is situdated on east side of Shengjinta Street in Nanchang of Jiangxi Province & was built in A.D.904 in late Tang Dynasty
Nanchang Ba Da Shanren Memorial Hall locates in Qingyun Pu Garden, is the first memorial hall built for ancient artist.
Qingyuan Pu Garden is a typical southern garden located 5km south of Nanchang City in Jiangxi Province. It once was a Taoist Temple built in Western Han Dynasty
The Longhu Mountain or called Dragon & Tiger Mountain, is 20km from Yingran City in Jiangxi Province, which is a AAAA level scenic spot
Mount Sanqingshan National Park is located in Jiangxi Province, China. It was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage in 2008 for it is a shelter for animals and plants.
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