Fengdu is an ancient city with a time-honored history commonly known as Ghost City among most Chinese people, which is located on north bank of Yangtze River
Zhang Fei Temple is located at Feifeng Mountain, the south bank of Yangtze River. It was endowed with the magnificence of northern building and delicacy of the southern ones.
Mount Wushan is one of the original locations of primitive civilization, having existed since the latter part of the Shang Dynasty (16th - 11th century BC).
Small Three Gorges is one of the exciting and famous stops in the Yangtze Three Gorges. It is often called the "highlight" of the cruise, even the whole China trip.
Chongqing Huguang Guild Hall is a historic site attraction for visitors. Doing sightseeing in Huguang Guild Hall, you can see the ancient culture of this city deeply.