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Changsha 24:05: Discovery in 5 Minutes

A five-minute video “Changsha 24:05” goes viral online recently, leaving millions of people freaking out. “It is one of the best advertising videos of Changsha that I’ve seen”, a netizen commented.

This video was produced by four young men: Tan Yuge, Cheng Long, Xing Heng, and Cang Hong. They took nearly 200,000 photos, in every corner of Changsha’s 11,800 squ.km area, and hundreds of aerial shots in one year. “We just want to introduce Changsha to everyone in five minutes,” they said.

This video is a warm-up for the coming Changsha City Photo Exhibition at the Changsha Library on July 15, 2017. The four producers’ photographs will be displayed at the exhibition. In August, a salon will be held at the helipad atop the 278-meter-tall Grand Hyatt Hotel where you can take a bird’s-eye view of the city.

Xiangjiang River, a screenshot of the “Changsha 24:05” video

Changsha Riverside Cultural Park, which consists of Changsha Museum, Changsha Library, Changsha Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, and Changsha Concert Hall

An aerial view of the Xiangjiang River and its west bank

Liuyanghe River at dusk

The Urban Island sightseeing platform at Meixihu Park, which is open to the public

The Fire God Palace Restaurant, a Changsha landmark

Citizens watch a fireworks show displayed on the Orange Isle.

View the video at https://v.qq.com/x/page/m05194z3q96.html