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2000 Female Tourists Joyously Toured in Zhangjiajie Grand Gorge on Women’s Day

This year’s Women’s Day is adjacent to weekend, which make it a hard-won golden holiday. On March 8th, female group and family buffet tourists came one after another, which blew a hot tourism tide on Women’s Day. According to incomplete statistics, about two thousand female tourists were accepted in Zhangjiajie Grand Gorge scenic area at the very day of Women’s Day, which increased 50 percent compared with last year including 20 percent of Korea female tourists.

In Zhangjiajie Grand Gorge,bright sunshine,loquacious streams,blooming peach flowers,delightful bird tweet,refreshing plants made female tourists enthralled in the vernal scenery. With the coming of spring,Zhangjiajie Grand Gorge scenic spot has been representing a good trend that daily average tourists accepted are over a thousand since March 1 with an increase of about 15 percent compared with last year. What’s more, apart from enjoying beautiful scenery, special ticket package including touring Grand Gorge and bathing in hot spring was provided for female tourists on that day.

By Patricia